Benefits of maternity gymnastics during pregnancy

Benefits of maternity gymnastics and sports during pregnancy
Every woman who looks forward to the joys of motherhood wonders if her lifestyle is the best for her unborn child. It is not uncommon for many people to want to change their lifestyle during pregnancy and sign up for the maternity gymnatics personal training program with us at Gold Fitness Studios. The best thing a new mother can do is to stay active during her pregnancy, as this supports her own health and that of her baby. There are several benefits of maternity gymnastics during pregnancy, and it has countless positive effects, such as: it speeds up regeneration after childbirth, reduces the incidence of back pain, increases the natural birth rate, supports the development of the fetus and improves the child's cognitive functions.
Maternity gymnastics with personal trainer
When choosing or continuing sports activities during pregnancy, the following points should be taken into account. Avoid:
- exercises performed lying on the stomach,
- the abdominal press,
- dead bug exercises,
- lifting too heavy weights,
it is also important to control the heart rate, which should not exceed 140/minute. During this period, it is also worth putting aside unstable devices and jumping exercises.
Different types of training per trimester
Mothers-to-be can best support the baby's developmental stages with a different exercise program per trimester.
In the first trimester, powerful hormonal changes take place in the mother's body, and it is a completely new life situation both psychologically and emotionally. During this period, it is recommended to reduce the usual load, but this does not mean complete inactivity. For example, regular walking, breathing exercises or even relaxation can be done safely, which helps with introspection. The purpose of movement should be to gain pleasure.
In the second trimester, the energy level increases, and because of this, expectant mothers are also more ready for action. Group or individual targeted maternity exercises can be started from the second trimester. The aim of the maternity gymnastics is to prepare pregnant women for childbirth and the postpartum period. Among other things, posture improvement, loosening of the muscles around the hips, breathing exercises, barrier muscle exercises and targeted muscle strengthening help their physical and mental condition.
In the third trimester, we adapt to the weight of the growing fetus and the physical condition of the mother by gradually easing the tasks. It is worth doing relaxation, breathing exercises and diaphragm muscle exercises until the end of the pregnancy, so that the expectant mother arrives in the delivery room in the best possible physical condition.
Moms-to-be who have been regularly exercising intensively, such as running, swimming or weight training, do not have to give up their favorite sports during pregnancy either. Listen to your own body's signals, moderate the intensity and pay particular attention to adequate fluid replacement. Those who are beginners in the world of physical exercise, feel free to try the various maternity gymnastics, maternity yoga and pilates or any form of exercise intended for pregnant women performed under the supervision of a specialist.
Enjoy the benefits of the maternity gymnastics, sign up for personal training with us at Gold Fitness Studios.
You can read more about muscle soreness in Wikipedia.
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