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Gold Fitnessstudios
13/02/2023 15:20

Is there a quick and effective Personal Training?

Is there a quick and effective Personal Training?

Quick and effective


Yes, come to Gold Fitnessstudio and we will show you how this is possible.

  • How quickly can we achieve our goals with a personal trainer?
  • Why is training with a personal trainer more effective

Quick and effective personal training

We seek and provide the answer to the above two questions in this blog post. Where does the compulsion and expectation come from to reach our best form as soon as possible? Social media platforms have become a complete part of our everyday life. We spin Instagram, Facebook or even more recently emerging platforms like TikTok. Looking at these pages, we can see that everyone has a tight stomach, a round bottom, poses in beautiful places with their perfect body, just for fun our friend ran a half marathon, and people train in the coolest sets with perfect execution. This puts a lot of pressure on everyone, including us women. When someone is completely overwhelmed by desperation and feels like she can't take what she sees in the mirror anymore, she usually presses the apply button and decides to reach the desired goal with the help of a coach.


Lifestyle change - initial steps - pitfalls

Everyone throws themselves into change with great enthusiasm. At least in the beginning. According to statistics, about 15 out of 100 people are the ones who manage to achieve and maintain the lifestyle change in the long term. Why could this be? People usually set unrealistic goals within an unrealistic time frame. For example, a person who has not exercised regularly for 15-20 years sets a goal to run 10 km every day, or from now on to exercise every day, and many people make drastic dietary changes for quick results, which often not only are they ineffective, but they can also be dangerous. After the initial momentum, we are faced with the fact that training is tiring and we have to fit it into our days in such a way that we are tired from work, our knees hurt, our head hurts, or we just had a terrible day. Enthusiasm begins to wane, and we find ourselves back on the sofa from regular exercise.


Quick and effective Personal Training

Why do we need a personal trainer?

Just as we call a professional when our washing machine breaks down or we take our car to a specialist, it cannot be any different with our body. A coach is a professional who has all the knowledge in the field of anatomy, training theory, and methodological knowledge, which we do not have, because we are not coaches. The most important advantages of working with a coach are that she teaches us the correct movement patterns, adjusts and gradually increases the load, pays attention to the execution of the exercises, so we will not get injured, motivates us, drives us towards our goals. Just like when we learn to drive, we can't just drive onto the highway and drive at 130 km/h, we first have to get to know how our car works and learn to drive. Many of our guests come to us because they trained alone or took part in group training sessions where they were injured and/or have not been progressing towards their goals for years.


The well-structured personal training

What will happen when we ask for the help of a personal trainer? After a thorough health assessment, she will put together the best exercises and methods for your body and goals. During personal training, we start with the basics, which means a stabilization training. We work on mobility, and also on stability, which mainly affects the muscles of the core, with lots of core activation exercises and strengthening. I could also say that in the first 4-6 weeks the body is "awakened". Building the nerve-muscle connections to learn what sensations you should feel in which muscles, where your limits are, what it's like to get tired, sweat, what it's like when an exercise is very difficult, and how to perform the exercises correctly. As soon as we have built the foundations, we can gradually introduce more and more difficult resistances and complex exercises, we can start working on making your bottom rounder and your body tighter and more toned. In order to be able to do lunges with heavier weights, for example with two 10 kg dumbbells in your hands, you need the strength of your arms and upper body to support the weights, and the strength of your torso to prevent injury to your spine in the process. It is important to trust your personal trainer and the training program she has designed. Even if you feel like you're moving slower, know that you can't skip these important steps. At Gold Fitness Studios gym, we do not compromise on our professional principles, so we do not have only lower body training or only butt training, and even though our guests see ultra cool routines on Instagram, if they are not ready for it, we do not include the exercise in the training program . Be alert if you are immediately given complex exercises with heavy loads and excessively exhausting training programs in any training situation. Training does not only take place in your muscles, movement is closely connected with your nervous system. Hence, training also puts a strain on your nervous system, here too you need to adapt, i.e. your body gets used to the load.


Achieving goals cheerfully and in a good mood

The goal is not as important as is the way you reach it. A cliché, and yet true. It is important for you to know that the lifestyle change and the goal you have set for yourself will not happen in a few months, just as those crazy kilos did not come on in a few months, or a year. You don't have to think about drastic things when changing your lifestyle. Our daily lives are built by our habits, and the first step will be to change these habits. Incorporate 2 x 60-minute workouts per week, eat breakfast, go to bed a few hours earlier, so that you have quality sleep and regeneration. These small changes will bring success. The very important role of your coach is to discuss your training program with you so that you understand how long it will take to realistically reach your set goal, whether the goal is realistic at all, and therefore what steps you will take. It is much easier and more motivated to follow things that you understand. Your trainer will explain why you work with the given tasks and training methods, and thus you will see the small steps behind the whole picture that will lead you to the goal.


Training goals – results

Each person is different, with completely different talents and circumstances. It is important to always measure yourself against yourself, otherwise you will always be dissatisfied. It is also important to accept that training takes time to develop. In today's world, it is typical that I want to be at the top right away and train professionally. This is also why sport is beautiful, because it teaches humility, patience and diligence, which then seeps into other areas of our lives. Our guests really like the fact that when working with our personal trainers, they can progress in a safe, professionally structured training method, and that they receive constant feedback from their trainer about where they are. After a few months, they already report that they never thought that training with a personal trainer would give them so much drive and motivation. They feel that as they progress towards their goals, their posture improves, their back and waist pains disappear, and thanks to this, their radiance has improved, which has had a positive effect on every area of their lives. Their self-confidence has increased, they have a sense of success, and they love the woman who looks back at them in the mirror more and more.


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